Our Services

The Services We offer  are 

  1. Retrofitting a foundation
  2. framing of a house
  3. additions to houses
  4. Kitchen remodel
  5. Bathroom Remodeling
  6. waterproofing
  7. Roofing
  8. Decks & Railing
  9. Flooring
  10. General Contracting
  11. Home Remodeling
  12. Plumbing Services
  13. Room Additions
  14. Carpentry
  15. Electrical Services
  16. Foundation Services
  17. Home Building
  18. Plaster & Drywall Services
  19. Windows Services
  20. sidewalks
  21. driveways
  22. Much More 


  • Kitchen Remodels 

Dry Rot Remodel 

Bathroom Remodel 

Exampls Of Decks  


  Foundation Examples Ive Done 

Rafael Barajas 
All rights reserved 2022
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